
3D is here!

Just played all day long with the incredible lumenlabs.ai/genie site, searching for suitable uses of this great technology. Rather astonishing, how helpful the indirect approach through language can be for the creation of complex shapes. Great surprises start to happen, have a look at my first results on the video page.

The second Kufstein talk

For the second time and after only six weeks so much has happended on the AI front that Mischa Schaub was invited back to the engineering school of Kufstein in Austria. His short lecture about his latest adventures in AI has been subtitled in english. Enjoy!

Allin1 as 2nd Nagaoka lecture of Deep2

Looking forward to the second lecture in Nagaoka Design Institute about our ongoing confrontation with AI experimentation. What happened to us during the last 147 days since our first presentation in this great design school?

Library of bristles & brushes

Last week I created a library of bristles and brushes and used this to design shoes and seats and strange things of all kinds. So many fascinating things seem to be waiting out there, in this new territory of AI enhanced design!


Our strange network grows quickly with hopes and partners pouring in from many sides. Last week the largest Swiss 3D metal printing company Ecoparts joined with an outlook of creating with us some kind of imprint department for sophisticated luxury goods. Plus the university institute of technology IUT Saint-Dié jumped on our roaring train – after the summer holidays we will organize together lectures and workshops around AI supported design. Yesterday Mischa gave a lecture about creative approaches to AI at the WKO in Lienz, Austria. This was well received and several collaborations with great labs will come from this...

Video Page

Having finished today our first five test movies created purely in AI, we open now on this website a page dedicated to video. So take a look in the menu above!

Toolkit for crafts and creation

Yesterday I met Esther and Demian in Bienne to discuss deep2 and now a lot looks different. Why not create a “Toolkit for crafts and creation in clever times” – in such a venture I would like to participate.   The toolkit should use a textile roll-up pocket hull able to adapt to different target groups:  a printed poor man’s version, a creator’s experience lab kit and a superbly finished set for patrons carrying the production. Plus a free online version with plans, updates and digital tools. So exiting! Then I told my clever friend to do some renderings, how such a...

Infinigen seems great!

Today, the Princeton Vision & Learning Lab has made accessible, promising “Infinite photorealistic generative worlds“, all based on our favorite tools for deep2: Blender and geo-nodes. Plus an interesting fact, they are proud to be free from AI! This boosts our hopes for our project sky-high, pleases us very much and has stolen our Sunday walk, as we have been trying to install this on our equipment. Will report soon! ü

Science Fiction Designer

Just for fun I used our toolkit today for doing some small exercises designing nostalgic science fiction gear, constructions kits and wrist watches.